A reply to most discussed question of the country Are we democratic??
Dramma : Breaking news- बंटवारा
The story of Indian independence and creation of Pakistan. Dramma : Breaking news- बंटवारा
Skit: ‘Bhagat Singh- Ek vichar dhara’
Skit portraying bravery and thoughts of Shaheed-ae-azam.
आजाद गुलाम
Independence day special… Witness the slaves of country even after decades of independence.
“ग्रामीण परिवेश “
“पुनर्जन्म “
A street play aimed to revive all the positive energy and to make society eco friendly.
“आत्म मंथन” -The Beginning
Street Play based on, Self Analysis is must in our life. How it can help in making better society and can make a huge changes at small level.
“योजना “
“योजना” a street play to aware people about the state government’s Flagship Schemes.
“पढें लिखे गंवार ” The NUKKAD NATAK. Aim To Define ‘Responsibility’
Deshbhakt ?
Nukkad natak on 67th REPUBLIC DAY that aimed for defining the correct meaning of Patriotism.